Regents Vote to Accept $62 Million Gift

01 15 2008

The ORU Board of Regents have unanimously voted to accept the remaining $62 million gift from donor Mart Green. ORU will also join the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, something we suggested back in October.

Green will also assume George Pearson’s position as chairman of the board of regents.

Details of Green’s Proposal Include:
(from the ORU website)

– Shared governance under a new set of bylaws which will now govern the university and keep the mission and vision intact.

– Replacement of the Board of Regents, Business and Spiritual, with a single Board of Trustees, who will govern the university in trust on behalf of its students, faculty, alumni and other stakeholders.

– Oral Roberts will continue as Chancellor of ORU and will be named a Trustee for the remainder of his life.

– Use of the $62 million donation will be determined by the Board of Trustees.

Save ORU would like to thank Mr. Green for his enormous contribution and commitment to Oral Roberts University, and believe that “The best is yet to come.”

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